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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a weather-worn graffiti paste-up of a sticking plaster on a damaged wall. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Gap Filler Monopoly Board site, corner Manchester and Dundas Streets".

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Between demolition and rebuild stands a time of opportunity in the earthquake ravaged city of Christchurch. Greening the Rubble and Gap Filler are temporary pockets of enterprise which began as early responses and have built in momentum to define the new city.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A snapshot from GPS Boomerang's SmartBird flight over the Christchurch red zone on 23 December 2012, looking over the Town Hall and Victoria Square with the site of the Crowne Plaza Hotel visible in the bottom left, GapFiller's Pallet Pavillion now in the space.