Doing the Groundwork

UC CEISMIC is pleased to announce that a collection of geology-related research material has been added to the archive. The collection includes photographs, videos, presentations and reports, contributed by academics from the University of Canterbury, Lincoln University and other research institutions.

A photograph of Professor Derrick Moot inspecting a dug-out soil pit on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.

The 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes have provided a rare opportunity for geologists both locally and internationally due to the fact that there were several large earthquakes that occurred in a modern city with good building codes.  This has enabled geologists to be able able to compare the different levels of soil liquefaction; differing magnitudes and seismic source distances; and variable performances of buildings, lifelines, and engineering systems, across the various earthquakes in order to draw conclusions about their effects on our land and communities. [1]

A slide from a presentation by Thomas Wilson on the Canterbury Earthquakes.

The material within this new collection covers a wide range of topics including farmland damage and rehabilitation, liquefaction mapping, rural community impacts and recovery, and the impact of ground penetrating radar profiles. While this research is specific to the Canterbury region, it can also be used to examine the potential risks that earthquakes pose to other communities in New Zealand and around the world, and the ways that they can prepare for them.

The Geology Research Collection is already a valuable resource to researchers interested in geology and seismology, yet we are aware that we have only just scratched the surface (no pun intended) of the material available on this topic. If you have any research material to contribute, please get in touch with the UC CEISMIC Programme Office at

UC CEISMIC would like to thank Dr. Thomas Wilson from the UC Geology department for his assistance with this collection.


1. Geer Association, Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading.


 Creative Commons License
Images by Thomas Wilson, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License.